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Sunday 9 February 2014

My food

Rye Roti - Indian flatbread (added fat free, low fat, salt free)

Growing up in a house where bread was, literally, indispensable, it is not strange that I eventually learnt how to make it homemade. Baguettes, big old loafs, rolls... you name it. But, I have to recognize the fact that making nice homemade bread is an arduous task, and I am the kind of person that can have warm bread cravings at 9 pm. I no longer trust store bought bread, it's always full of additives and strange numbers (E-???, you know what I mean).
Of course, I can't start the kneading and leaving process at 9 at night, so you can imagine my face when I first thought of yeast-free flatbreads. I had tried some while staying with an Irish family that loved the rice, curry and flatbread combo, and absolutely fell in love with it.
And here I am now; making rye rotis is a once or twice a month thing already (I don't usually eat bread anymore, I'm a traitor to my family), and I absolutely love using them as taco shells. However, the best part is that they are super simple to make!
Here's my recipe:


  • 1/2 cup whole rye flour + extra for rolling 
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon oregano or other spices (optional)
  • a bit of freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 cup warm water 
  1. First, mix the flour, onion powder and other spices, and add the water carefully. Now, kneading rye flour can be a bit difficult, it's harder than regular wheat flour to work with, it's sticky and you'll probably need to add some more flour while kneading. Do it until it's no longe that sticky, but still somewhat awkward for someone used to other kinds of flour. 
  2. Leave to rest for around 10 minutes, inside a bowl coated with flour and covered with a clean kitchen towel . 
  3. Heat a skillet on high while you work on the next step.
  4. Make two little balls from the big one, and coat them with more flour. Flour a clean surface and use a rolling pin to flatten the balls. 
  5. Take one of the flattened pieces and cook on the skillet until golden brown on both sides. You will need to press the dough down with a spatula, as it will puff up. 
  6. You can now top the rotis with whatever you want; I suggest tomato spreads and cooked veggies to make mini pizzas!! Enjoy!
I will upload more recipes in the future, keep an eye on the blog!